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Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccine now available at IMC Camden

Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccine now available at IMC Camden Singapore


IMC Camden now taking bookings for the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine – Call our Camden branch at 6733 4440 or click here to book an appointment.

The Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine is an inactivated vaccine with an adjuvant similar to many other vaccines like the inactivated Polio vaccine.

An inactivated vaccine presents an inactivated version of the virus to the immune system to cause an immune response.

This contrasts with the mRNA vaccines (like the Pfizer-Comirnaty and Moderna vaccines) which cause the body to temporarily produce the COVID virus spike protein to cause the immune system to build antibodies against it.

The Sinopharm vaccine was approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for emergency use on 7 May 2021.

They reported a vaccine efficacy of 79% against symptomatic disease and 79% against hospitalization.

Side effects may include headache, fatigue and fever and are usually mild to moderate in intensity.

The Sinopharm vaccine is available to those 18 years and older.

The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) recommends that Sinopharm vaccine should be given intramuscularly in three doses. The second dose should be 21-28 days after the first and the third, 90 days after the second. You have to be at least 18 years of age to get this vaccine.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to vaccinating with this vaccine but do discuss this with your doctor.

Who should not take this vaccine?

Persons with a history of anaphylaxis to any component of the vaccine.

Persons with a fever of over 38.5ºC should postpone the vaccination until the fever is over.

You can read more about this vaccine here.

How can I book an appointment for the vaccine?

COVID vaccines are only given by appointment. Please call our Camden branch at 6733 4440 or click here to book an appointment.

You will need to wait in the clinic for 30 minutes after the vaccine to check for any allergic reaction.

For further explanation in Mandarin please click here.

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