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Health Update June 2015


Welcome to our inaugural and newly designed electronic edition of HealthUpdate. We hope you enjoy this new service and we value your ongoing support and feedback. A hardcopy version is available in our clinics.
mers What Is MERS Coronavirus?Middle East Respiratory Syndrome is a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus (MERS-CoV). People who have the infection developed rapid onset of severe respiratory disease.read_more_mers
Importance Of VaccinationsChildhood immunisations have helped decrease the incidence of many serious infectious diseases for children. Maintaining this high level of illness prevention is vital before children start nursery where most.read_more_vaccinations vaccination

flu_vaccine Get Your Southern Hemisphere Influenza VaccineThe influenza vaccine is now available. Stocks may be limited depending on the status of influenza and media reports. Hence, if required, it would be wise to obtain the flu vaccine while stocks are available.read_more_flu_vaccine
Jet Lag In KidsWhether traveling to or retuning home, long-haul travel with kids can cause crankiness when everyone is trying to adjust to a new time zone.read_more_jetlag jetlag_in_kids

new_doctors New Doctors Join IMC And IPCA big welcome to Dr Judy Schmidt, Dr Vinu Sahlén, Dr Darren Fox, and Dr Christopher Eldridge who are now part of our expanding team of doctors at both IMC and IPC.read_more_new_doctors
Principles Of Cancer ScreeningScreening means looking for early signs of cancer in healthy people with no symptoms. The goals of cancer screening are prevention of cancer or detection at a very early stage.read_more_cancer_screening cancer_screening

website Brand New WebsitesWe have recently upgraded our IMC website (, and in addition, we have created a brand new IPC website ( to act as a source of information for patients and parents visiting the paediatric clinic.read_more_websites
Family Physicians & Women’s HealthFamily Physicians have a working insight of all the many specialties, both physical and psychological – screening for diseases and problem-solving are therefore tailored to each unique individual. Every woman’s health needs should be well-served by her Family Physician.read_more_womens_health womens_health

cfc Caring For Cambodia UpdateIMC and IPC continue to collaborate with Caring For Cambodia assisting schools in Siem Reap with 2 volunteer trips in the first quarter of 2015.read_more_cfc
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