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Adolescent Health Screening

Adolescent Health Screening in Singapore

international medical clinic imc health screening medical screening

Adolescence, or teenage years, is a very unique and memorable stage of life. Adolescents need extra focus and guidance; hence, a health screening at this age is crucial.

Physical and mental changes in puberty, peer pressure, self-awareness, social life and social media influences can make adolescents emotionally labile. Regular health screenings help identify any stressors early on to manage them best. For our older adolescents, there should also be discussions about sexuality/drugs/alcohol/substance abuse and an assessment of mental health wellness.

We offer Health Screenings that are personalised to your child’s individual circumstances, taking into account the teenager’s gender, age, health and family history. We will also advise if any tests, vaccinations, or additional discussions are needed. All Adolescent Health Screenings are offered at each of our four clinics Camden, Children’s, Holland Village and Katong.

Adolescent Health Screening Options

Early Adolescent Screening (10-15 years)

Estimated Cost – $200: The Early Adolescent screening package does not include any vaccinations, injections, investigations, medications, procedures or products.

Please note that the Early Adolescent screening package does not include vaccinations, injections, investigations, medications, procedures or products.

Medical History and Discussion

Routine Vaccination Discussion

Puberty and Body Changes Discussion

Home Environment Discussion

Social life, Media use and Coping Mechanisms Discussions

Education and School academics Discussion

Physical Activity and Fitness Discussion

Nutrition/Obesity Discussion

Clinical Measurements and Vision Screening

Full Physical Examination

Genital and/or Breast Examination

Blood tests (if indicated)

Late Adolescent Screening (16-21 years)

Estimated Cost – $285: The Late Adolescent screening package does not include any vaccinations, injections, investigations, medications, procedures or products.

Please note that the Late Adolescent screening package does not include vaccinations, injections, investigations, medications, procedures or products.

Medical History and Discussion

Routine Vaccination Discussion

Puberty and Body Changes

Home Environment Discussion

Education and School academics Discussion

Social life, Media use and Coping Mechanisms Discussions

Physical Activity and Fitness Discussion

Nutrition/Obesity Discussion

Sexuality/Drug/Alcohol/Substance Abuse Discussion

Mental Health Wellness Discussion

Clinical Measurements and Vision Screening

Full Physical Examination

Genital and/or Breast Examination

Blood test (if indicated)

Request an Adolescent Health Screening appointment

The below form is a Request Only. Your appointment will be confirmed by a Medical Receptionist via phone or email

Insurance companies we work with

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