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Cholera Outbreak in Myanmar

Health Alerts
Around 200 people on the Myanmar side of the border with Tak province in Thailand have contracted cholera and 11 of them died. While there have been no reported outbreaks…

Dengue in Delhi

Health Alerts
Dengue cases and deaths have reached an all-time high in India as the total number of patients hit the 12,000 mark this year. As of Thursday, Oct. 15, a grand…

Multi-dose vials

A multi-dose vial is a vial of liquid medication intended for injection or infusion that contains more than one dose of medication (more…)

Order Your Repeat Prescriptions Online

Health Alerts
International Medical Clinic now offers the convenience of online repeat prescriptions for existing patients via our website. This means that regular patients can conveniently top up their prescriptions from home,…

Meningitis B Vaccination For Kids

Meningitis B is an aggressive illness which can rapidly lead to death if not identified or treated early. Vaccines are the only way to prevent meningitis and have almost eliminated…

Why See A Travel Doctor

“Travel broadens the mind and loosens the bowels,” says Dr Sherwood Gorbach MD. Spending some time consulting a travel doctor before you travel, will help you prevent issues arising while…

The Symptoms for STIs

STIs can vary from causing distressing symptoms to no symptoms at all. If you suspect you may have been exposed to an STI, here is some information you should read…

What is Prostate Cancer Screening?

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, apart from skin cancer. That’s why it’s important for men to have regular prostate cancer screenings. Here’s…

Diptheria in Kerala State

Health Alerts
According to a Times of India report there have been more than fifteen children with signs of diphtheria infection in an orphanage in the Kerala state city of Malppuram, and…

Breast Cancer Awareness

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, here is some advice on being breast aware and how you can conduct your own breast checks plus some other advice…

Equine Influenza in Malaysia

Health Alerts
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) on Tuesday, Sepember 8th, announced it has suspended the import of horses from Malaysia due to an outbreak of equine influenza in…

Whooping Cough out break

Health Alerts
Over 200 people in New Zealand have reported having whooping cough in the last month, and the number is expected to rise. Pertussis (whooping cough) can cause serious illness in…
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