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Dengue Vaccine

  The world’s first dengue vaccine is now approved for use in Singapore but it won’t be available publicly for a few months. (more…)

Get Prepared for Camp!

Camps can be a cause of anxiety for parents (and students). With camps to India, Thailand and Malaysia coming up in the school calendar we suggest you eliminate one element…

What’s Behind A Mask?

Health Alerts
During the recent haze concerns, various issues and confusion arose over the types of masks to purchase and their usage. Below is an overview of what is available and their…

Teenage Acne

Health Alerts
Acne is a common problem that affects about 90% of teenagers. The impact of acne may appear minimal to an observer but may be significant to the young person involved.…

Safekeeping of Women’s Health and Wellness

Health Alerts
Women’s health issues can differ greatly from men and requires some special attention.  Over the recent decades, there’s growing awareness on women’s well-being, putting emphasis on screening and the prevention…

Safekeeping of Women's Health and Wellness

Health Alerts
Women’s health issues can differ greatly from men and requires some special attention.  Over the recent decades, there’s growing awareness on women’s well-being, putting emphasis on screening and the prevention…

Mindful Parenting

Health Alerts
‘Mindful Parenting for the 0-3 year old’ Why do babies cry? It’s a baby’s form of expression. The common causes are hunger, a dirty nappy, too hot/ cold, needs to…

Important Vaccinations

Health Alerts
Vaccinations should be considered as part of a holistic assessment during a travel health consultation. During international travel, anywhere from 20-70% of people report health problems. So it is best…

Clinic Services at IMC

Health Alerts
International Medical Clinic, Katong Square East Coast, we offer multiple in-house services, allowing the majority of your health care needs to be conducted within our individual clinics. Our doctors are…

New Doctor – IPC

The International Paediatric Clinic welcomes our latests Doctor, Dr Marina Barzilay who will see patients at our Paediatric Clinic. She looks forward to providing medical care for families from the…

Sports Medicine

Health Alerts
What is Sports Medicine? Sports medicine deals with the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sport and exercise as well as maintaining physical fitness, improving athletic performance and encouraging…

Insurance Update

At IMC and IPC we currently have agreements with over 40 global insurance groups and medical assistance companies for our direct billing arrangement. This means patients bills are sent direct…

Secondary Drowning

Health Alerts
What is it? Secondary Drowning (sometimes known as delayed drowning) occurs when a small amount of water enters the lungs after an episode of being submerged underwater. The child may…

Zika Virus

Health Alerts
Zika Fact Sheet TNP INFOGRAPHICS: KELVIN CHAN AND HO YAN HAO Ministry of Health: Zika Where did Zika come from? The first human case was detected in Nigeria in 1954…

Dengue in Singapore

Health Alerts
Dengue cases reached a new high of 554 in the week between Jan 3 and Jan 9, the latest figures published on the National Environment Agency (NEA) website showed. This…

Polio in Myanmar

Health Alerts
Myanmar has reported 2 cases of vaccine-derived polio, which can develop and circulate in areas with low vaccination coverage where oral polio vaccine (OPV) is used. Polio is a disease…

Follow Us

International Medical Clinic and International Paediatric Clinic are now on Facebook. (more…)
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