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Order Your Repeat Prescriptions Online


International Medical Clinic now offers the convenience of online repeat prescriptions for existing patients via our website. This means that regular patients can conveniently top up their prescriptions from home, rather than having to go into the clinic to see their doctor.

This means you can still maintain the medications you need without the disruption of having to make a doctor’s appointment.

It is, however, important to note that depending on the type of drug you are requesting, the length of time between visits and the “doctor’s orders”, you may still be contacted by our staff to schedule a consultation. All new patients to the clinic will also have to visit a doctor prior to medications being prescribed.

Click here for the repeat prescription form and to find out more about the order process timing and collection.

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The International Medical Clinic is here to help! Booking online is the most convenient way to lock in the doctor, location & time you would like.